Cego is the open source implementation of a Relational database using a Modern state of the art software design ( object oriented ) Basically, Cego supports transactional SQL Query requests using all common programming Interfaces ( C, C++, DBD, Java ) in a multithreaded architecture.
For high availablility requirements, Cego supports a distributed database shadowing feature as known from some commercial products.
In general, cego provides high end database features as just known from some high end database products.
Improvements in the JDBC driver ( see dedicated changelog )
ROUND, LTRIM, RTRIM function added
Parser modification for better handling of arithmetic expressions
User function without command line args
Cosmetic syntax improvements ( e.g. join as inner join )
Fixes for unique indexes There are still some open issues, we are working on.
Correction of delete Counter value in CegoTableManager::deleteDataTable